Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Page Ave. - Candler Park “Yard Sale”

This sale was perplexing. In the yard leaning upon a tree was a large metal sign saying “God Forgive U.S.”. Nearby on a table was what appeared to be a mounted collection of pocketknives. Among the knives on the board was also a pair of handcuffs. Perhaps it wasn’t a collection but a demonstration kit for showing baggage screeners what not to let on airplanes. One the ground nearby was a medium size animal trap and a box of unused rattraps. Books at this sale included works on investments ‘The Practice of Personal Tranformation” and “Sharpnel in the Heart”. Other stuff here included a selection of garden tools, a rug with a large image of a deer, a eerie clown painting, a volley balls set and a bag of baseball bats.
I bought nothing.

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