Wednesday, June 29, 2005

After waking I went outside to see if the AJC had begun delivery of the daily paper. They had not but I did spot my friend Terry emerging from a trash pile across the street with a lamp in her hand. Terry is a milliner who supplants her hat sales with ongoing yard sales. Seeing the bed of her pickup half filled with a cargo of globes and xylophones, I decided that it was best that I immediately head out to what ever sales awaited before she and other resellers removed the remaining clutter.
Knowing that there were several sales in the immediate vicinity I decided to make my way on bicycle.

Page Ave. Candler Park “Yard Sale”

Terry had told me that she was not impressed with this sale but it was close to home and advertised in the AJC. In the driveway of this well tended brick bungalow I found a tube of Elvira makeup, a red bowling ball in a case with shoes, a rusty machete in a mildewed leather case, a 2003 Firefighters calendar, a basket of faux eggs, a hat shaped like a Jack o lantern, a book “ Depression Free for life” and a skateboard. Matching the strange ball made from peach pits I found last week this sale had three balls made from pecans. The balls were painted pastel colors. There was a two-cassette set on sexuality from the church of religious science as well as a paperweight with the words “Obey that impulse”
I bought nothing.

Harold Ave. - Lake Claire “Yard Sale” & “Giant Yard Sale”

These two sales were within a block of one another and I knew both of the sellers. The first was at the home of a notable old musician who has been playing around town since the late sixties. There seems to be a sale here at least once or twice a year with a lot of the same stuff for sale. Among the items was a very expensive bicycle for $650(they said he had $3000 in it) some nice looking motorcycle boots, two turntables, and some fishing lures. Since I had seen a lot of this before I headed up the street.
A friend and fellow educator was holding the second sale. Strewn around the yard was a collection of old toys their children had out grown as well as several surplused filmstrip projectors from Atlanta Public Schools.
I bought nothing.
Feeling the increasing humidity I biked home and decided that the rest of the morning was better spent driving.

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