Wednesday, June 22, 2005

With school ended and my show at Eyedrum in place Cindy and I headed off for a vacation in Argentina. The three leg flight I purchased at a super low priced economy rate from Lan Chile Airlines turned out to be the longest time I have spent flying since I crossed the Pacific as a child in a converted B 29(To this day I can still remember the relentless roar of that ex-bombers propeller engines.) This flight was longer due to its roundabout route with layovers in Miami and Santiago. We arrived sleep deprived and took a shuttle to the Dora Hotel near Plaza San Martin at the advice of some friends. The Dora is far removed from some of the other inns and lodges I have slept in throughout Latin America. Among the features that Cindy appreciated were solid walls that extended all the way to the ceiling, windows, hot water, heat, maid service, and a mini bar.

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