Thursday, January 24, 2008

Saturday 1/19/08 -Lots of snow, no sales....

This Saturday the city received an unusual amount of snow, but please keep in mind that in Atlanta any amount of snow is considered unusual. As early as Thursday there were intrepid folks who did plan to have yard sales but these were cancelled as the icy designs Jack Frost descended upon our city. In my pedestrian wandering I did find that there were notices for a sale on Gordon St. in Lake Claire. But I did not attempt to hike up the hill to this sale fearing that it to was more than likely cancelled. In my walk through the neighborhood I did find that Fat Cat apparel was having some sort of sale in a yard on Clifton Rd. No one was in attendance but there were Fat Cat designed shirts hanging from snow-covered trees. If there were any real sales I doubt anyone would have gone to them since everyone appeared to be out and about staring in awe at the wintry landscape. Children of course were having the most fun, having snowball fights, building snow persons or sledding down the hills of Candler Park on what ever they could find. One family I encountered was happily cascading down an embankment on laminated anatomy posters. My favorite snow scene was that of a preteen girl who was prancing around (obviously without her parent approval) in the snow barefoot clad some sort of princess costume and swinging a play sword.

A sign of yard sale activity in a winter wonderland.

Young lass tempting frostbite.

FatCat wearable hanging from a tree.

In other further reaches of the metropolitan area things were different for there seemed to be a good number of yard sales still featured in Craigslist. For my hardcore followers who long to see some sort of images of clutter I have included a few of the images from that site (without approval). Among them are an unidentified piece of fur, a comparative photo of a cell phone and a pack of gum and one of the staples of my own photographic explorations - a box filled with garish plush toys.

1 comment:

Dips Recipes said...

Very nice postt