Tuesday, April 04, 2006


N. Morningside Dr. - Morningside "Moving Sale"

It’s the beginning of Spring break so the first thing I do is head to a sale after work. This event is inside a small Tudor home in Morningside but the sale is limited to a selection of objects in the three front rooms of the house. The ad in the AJC said this was the sale of two pack rats. The women holding the sale had some interesting stuff but there was far from enough there for them to truly label themselves packrats. I told them that I was hoping for find narrow paths that wound around five foot high piles of clutter.
This home mostly contained a fair amount of cutesy retro knick-knacks and such. It was not bad stuff but not up to the full mettle of a true pack rat accumulation. Among the stuff were a number of elf headed figurines, a plush elf, a plush Famous Potato character, retro dish towels, chef figurines, a pair of bronzed baby shoes and some big eyed dog prints (by Gig not the more respected Keane). In the room further back was a rack of women’s retro clothing and an antique TV in an old wooden cabinet.
I bought a small cookbook for cooking with leftovers.

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