Thursday, April 13, 2006

5th Street - Midtown “Yard Sale”

After a long bike ride that took me from Edgewood to Grant Park and Up to the Tech campus I headed through Midtown hoping that some of yesterdays canceled sales might be happening today. This sale was in the front yard and side driveway of a home that was broken up into several apartments. The seller told me she had just come back from living in Hawaii and was clearing some clutter out of this building. The iron fence in front was covered in Mardi Gras beads, and a sled was hanging from the fence near the stairs. In the front yard was a tub full of bottled water in hope of sales to Dogwood festival goers, another tub filled with plush animals and a third with spools of ribbon. Two tables in the front yard held some candles a coffee maker, some glassware and a hair curler. There was a lot more stuff around the side but most appeared to have that look of junk that was stored in a basement for too many years. Here I found some clothing, a few CD, a pair of walkie-talkies and some luggage.

I bought a bottle of water.

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