Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Amsterdam Ave. – Morningside “Yard Sale”

When I arrived here nothing was set up in the front yard. A man in a SUV was yelling at his wife who was standing tin the driveway. “What are you going to do wait for him to put the stuff out?” he bellowed. He then threatened to abandon her at the sale and drive away. A few other anxious shoppers rooted through some trash piled up on the curb. “Is this stuff for sale?” one asked me as I snapped a photo of a painting of Cleopatra I exhumed from the debris. I replied I only wanted to take pictures. The man in the SUV continued to loudly chastise his spouse. In the yard a Mexican man was putting up garage sale signs. When I departed a man emerged from the back yard carrying a large metal cabinet. On of the men digging through the trash was making him an offer on a ladybug shaped mirror he had unearthed from the trash pile.
I bought nothing.

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